Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Daily extended (by Astrology.com)You're a rock -- the sturdy, steady heart of your family, just like the Sun is the heart-center of our little corner of the galaxy. So now, when someone you love has something on their mind that they don't feel comfortable sharing with just anyone, they'll be absolutely sure to come to you first -- and you'll be just as sure to go all out to help keep them on track.
Daily extended (by Astrology.com)You're a rock -- the sturdy, steady heart of your family, just like the Sun is the heart-center of our little corner of the galaxy. So now, when someone you love has something on their mind that they don't feel comfortable sharing with just anyone, they'll be absolutely sure to come to you first -- and you'll be just as sure to go all out to help keep them on track.
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