
Monday, October 31, 2005


I know my blogs as of late have been pretty morbid. I will not apologize for them, but I can say that I have moved passed them.

Clarity is a wonderful thing, which is why I'm sure John Mayer wrote a song about it. Once you have clarity, then the world is a better place.

Someone today said I was glowng. I think it was the weight lifted from my shoulders. I feel lighter and brighter.

I went out with Batman on Friday (RIIIIIIGHT...you say, but it's true, lol). Batman is a very good friend from work who has helped me get through this most recent rough period. I can say with certainty that I'm very confident of certain friendships for the first time in a few years, and I know that it can only get better.

I saw Wednesday on Saturday. It was great to see her, and when we went to The Cheesecake Factory with her roommates, our waitress told he she looked like Liv Tyler...how awesome is that?! It was the dark hair, I know it. We also ate at a place called "More Than Waffles". Those were THE best waffles in the world.

I also saw UNLV this weekend, believe it or not. He and I have come to an understanding about our friendship. That understanding will be clear in due time here, just not right now. No matter what has occured between us, it has come to it's conclusion. We have moved on from that, and now we are so much closer and so much happier. All my worries, I no longer have, and all my frustrations have disappeared. He is my best friend, and I can say that with complete certainty. We care deeply for each other, and it will remain that way as the years go by. He's a wonderful person, and I am glad to have him in my life.

This brings me to my horoscope...check it out:


You've never been famous for your out and out love of surprises and sudden change. Still, if anyone knows about all work and no play, it's you -- so when something unusual and unexpected happens, even if you're not tickled about the event itself, you do invariably end up being quite tickled (okay, and maybe just a touch smug) to be the one person involved who wasn't completely thrown off-course by whatever just happened.

The cosmos have even dictated the events as of late, and now I know everything is the way it was meant to be.

Plus, the Chargers beat Kansas City 28-20. We play at the Jets next week. LaDanian Tomlinson's quaterterback passing record has surpassed their entier team COMBINED for this season so far. I think we've got that in the bag, too. We have a bye, then Buffalo comes here. The rest of the season will be rough, but not impossible. We just have to make sure we score at least 2 touchdowns in the first half. If we can't do Marty-ball, then we have to pass it and that's where we have a little trouble. I think our young defense should be getting better.

We will make it to the playoffs...it's in the stars, I tell you!
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