
Monday, April 04, 2005

No. of bad meals eaten over weekend: 10; FYI: IL is in National Championship for NCAA! More FYI: Have found picures from movie called "The Playmaker"... pervy thoughts of Colin Firth's bottom: 986512876184854435186173332219416

Busy, busy, busy! Have been asked to help plan program for Grand Aunt's birthday in October. Went to cousin's house this weekend to help figure out entertainment schedule. Had not realized that all of the nieces/nephews/cousins were planning the whole event. My uncle took care of everything last time with my father, and now the responsibility has been laid on us. Was actually fun with all the cousins and their children.

Am v. happy that kitchen is almost done. Have refused to weigh self until regimen from last year is fully in place. Have started the salad days again, and am V. HAPPY. Just had salad for lunch and was v. good.

Am going to start working out again. Will plan some form of exercise each day, and have yoga already planned for Wed.

Partial reason for sudden re-implimentation of workout and diet regimen? Well, part is that have not been able to fit in some of the newer clothes that I bought when I was slimming down for the summer last year. Got some cute pants at H&M last year, and they are a bit sung again. Second, UNLV has asked me to go with him to Lake Havasu for Memorial Day weekend, and I KNOW there will be lots of skin, and if I am to look fabulous, I must slim down.

Ok, now that's out of my system, I will go back to eating my peach cup. No more scary food as have been eating for the last 2 months without a kitchen. Now that I have a stove in place, there is no excuse to not do come cooking...even if there is no sink yet. That will come soon. Salads are easy with new fridge in the kitchen and stove to boil eggs.

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