
Friday, February 11, 2005

No. of Colin Firth movies returned: 2; UNLV vs Mizzou score: 74-71 (go Rebels!); No. of life changing events this week: 1

GAAAAH! Had typed beautiful entry to blog only to find it didn't post. Cannot for life of me remember what self had written, so I have to be content with typing what is going on in my head NOW.

Am feeling a little better about this week. I know I'm still being vague, but I fear there is no other way I can be right now. What I can say is that these are the times when you see who your friends really are, and I have the loveliest of friends. Those that really care, are there for you when you think things are a bit bleak, and I can never thank my friends enough.

Am moving desks yet again. Hope this means it will result in a promotion. Not sure, would be great, though.

Happy thoughts today:
- Was suggested for nomination for our "Pink Flamingo" quality and teamwork award. Hurrah!
- Received email that the gal who writes those FABULOUS Bridget Jones fan fiction continuation stories had written a special Valentine's day entry...and sent it as a preview to those of us who signed her guestbook...hurrah, hurrah!
- Get to spend some quality time alone tonight to catch up on some thoughts and much needed reflection.

Ok, back to work. Trying not to remember this is awful Hallmark Holiday weekend of Valentine's.

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