
Friday, February 04, 2005

No. of Colin Firth movies STILL lent out: 4. No. of bowls of Special K cereal consumed in 1 month: 40.

It SUCKS to not have a kitchen. I am inadvertantly stuck in my Special K challenge because I have no bloddy choice! I can't cook anything except for microwave meals. I don't want to buy food everyday at work because it would defeat everything that I have strived for since July 2004. I know that I'm maintaining my weight, but it's so bloody BORING!


I'm glad to know that a lot of my friends out there are still keeping track of me through my blog.

*waving hello*

It makes rants like I had yesterday worthwhile. But it also makes me realize that so many of you see my little obessions, haha! I am going to download something that Blogger has so that I can upload photos into my blog. I've got this terribly HOT picture of Colin Firth from "Pride & Prejudice" on my desk top that I MUST post on my blog.

Ten and I are going to dinner tonight at Epazote in Del Mar. She forwarded an email about this San Diego Restaurants week and it's $30 for an appetizer, main course and dessert. We figured that the $30 paid for the appetizer and main course already, and the dessert ended up free. I'm just a tad bit strapped for cash, but I can swing it. I'm not going anywhere exciting this weekend except for my cousin's house for Superbowl on Sunday.

GAAAAH! My friend didn't come to work, and therefore didn't bring in my "Pride & Prejudice" DVD! I was going to have a lovely lie in this weekend and spend the night in Pemberly with Mr. Darcy...but NO! I have to watch "Love Actually" or "The Importance of Being Earnest" to hold me over until next week. I'm NOT about to make self take a treck to their apaprtment just to get that back.

I've actually got a lot more on my mind...that I can't do anything about. So I distract myself. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Like right now, it is a nice day outside with the Santa Ana winds making things warm and bright outside.

"I find solace in trivial things..."

I wrote that in a poem once. The line actually finishes with "...and in the end is you" because I wrote it about someone, who is no longer in my life anymore. But I really do find solace in trivial things. It think it's the only way for me to sort things out without having to be vocal about it. I tend to dive into things because it's easier than dealing with everything else. I'm definitely diving in deep into the whole "Bridget Jones" thing and only wish I discovered it sooner.

Only problem with finding solace in trivial things, is that I tend to pay TOO much attention to those things as well. I add too much meaning to one gesture, or make connections to things that don't quite add up and work myself into a frenzy over something that became over developed in my head.

Alright...self-analysis OVER!

Have a great weekend, and GO PATRIOTS!

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