
Friday, January 28, 2005

No. of times I have looked for Bridget Jones's Diary fan fiction on the internet: twice this week. No. of fan fiction entries that are actually WORTH IT: BAAAAH!

{Begin rant}

Dear fan fiction writers,

When attmpting to channel Helen Fielding, please acutally READ all the material she has produced about the herione Bridget Jones so as to make your work more plausible. DO NOT just watch the movies!

At the end of the "Edge of Reason" novel, Mark Darcy asks Bridget how she feels about Thiland (because of the possibility of having to go there for a job instead of LA). When you BEGIN your new entries, do not begin with "So what is Thiland, state or country?" because you know damned well in the very same book (and movie, mind you), Bridget gets arrested and placed in jail IN THILAND...so I think she's well aware that it's a country, thank you very much.

Now, you may tease as to the whereabouts of Germany, because she may still not know where that is...even AFTER checking the atlas. Maybe even bring back bits and pieces of both books and the columns if you so choose. But don't bring up whole passages and second hand jokes ripped from both novels. Be creative, be inventive...but don't try to actually BE Helen Fielding. Even SHE admitted that she borrowed the idea for the story lines from Jane Austen, so the rest (obviously) is all her own.

From everything I've seen so far, Helen Fielding is clever and well read. If I were to try and even attempt a BJD's entry, I would feel like I would have to bone up on my British-isms, politics in the UK, world affairs, and sports just to keep up. I would implore you to do the same.

Sincerely yours,
Bridget Jones afficionado and Colin Firth admirer
(although admittedly only recent)

{End rant}

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