
Monday, November 22, 2004

First off...this:


Yes sports fans...does anyone have a broom, because I think the Raiders have been SWEPT by the Chargers. Happiness and joy have resounded across Charger Country and we are tied for first place in the AFC west with Denver.

I actually had a pretty good weekend. I went to a party on Friday night with Toffee (I have renamed Candy Bar to Toffee, sounds a little better, dontcha think?). It was a lot of fun. It was at Lee Ann Kim's house, and she is definitely very spunky in person. We ate sushi, mingled a bit, and sang Karaoke. Good times! I think I get a bathrobe out of the deal, hee hee...but I would have gone no matter what.

Saturday, as you know, I didn't go to the SDSU vs UNLV game. I tried to sell the tickets to my cousin, but he never called back. I also tried to call another one of my friends, but she didn't call back. Oh well. I heard they lost anyway. So I ended up getting new tires for my mom's car, then hung out with Ten the rest of the evening.

First, we watched the first "Bridget Jones' Diary" because Ten needed a refresher. Then she called a friend who had the original Japanese "The Grudge", which was called "Ju-on". We were going to pick up the DVD after watching "Bridged Jones: The Edge Of Reason".

I have to say, I LOVE the Bridget Jones' movies. I absolutely love them. There are a few movies that I can watch more than once, and this is one of them. I'm going to get the second one on DVD for sure, and Colin Firth is my new British boyfriend.

So after dinner at Zarlitos, we went to get the DVD and some ice cream. We settled in and watched "Ju-on".

Ack. AAAAAACCCCCKKKKK! Why did I watch that movie? I'll have to say, it's not the most sophisticated of movies, and I'm sure the American version of "The Grudge" had some better special effects...but that move freaked me the hell out. It taps into those common fears of something in the closet, the attic, crawling at you and popping out of your TV set. Ok, maybe those are MY greatest fears, but dear LORD I didn't get to sleep until 4am...and was frightened out of my wits when the storm hit Sunday morning.

After the movie, Ten and I watched the rest of Bridget Jones (we left during the last 15 minutes to catch the sequel)...and even THAT didn't help me.

UNLV called my voice mail to say he was glad we didn't go to the game since they lost 21-3. I spoke to him afterwards, and we firmed up Thanksgiving plans, and plans for his mom's birthday. I also tried to set some sort of plans forward for his birthday next mornth and bounced around some ideas for New Years. I then spent the morning doing laundry and watched the Chargers masacre the Raiders.

Sweep...swish swish!

I somehow believe that my daddy has been watching over the Chargers this year. I only wish he could be here so enjoy the winning season with me.

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