
Monday, July 19, 2004

My ass has been sufficiently rocked...
Yes, John Mayer ROCKED MY ASS OFF last night.  However, I feel like I saw 2 different artists this weekend.  There was a guy named John Mayer who played the Irvine Meadows concert...then there was this other guy with the same name who played in San Diego.
July 17, 2004
Irvine, CA
I went to the Irvine Meadows concert on Saturday with a good friend's cousin, and we had a great time working, but I will never be able to be THAT perky for THAT long ever again (if you remember from the previous blog entry, we were doing promotion for a site called True.com and we were giving away free items like hats, shirts and towels for signing up).   It's hard to be perky for 5 hours then watch a show.  But it was free, and I was determined to see John Mayer.
For some reason, the show left much to be desired.  I've seen John twice before this show, and I know what he is capable of.  But this Irvine show was a strange one.  He was incredibly tentative and deliberate.  He sang a Marvin Gaye song ("Inner City Blues" I think?) and had a little "do the right thing" type speech at the introduction of the song.   I guess I felt like he was doing his civic duty to remind us to vote, even if he didn't want to impose his views on who to vote for.  But it really felt like everything he did lead up to that "message" and then nothing else that happened after the message was standout.   It was a good "show" and not much more.  Plus, it was SHORT.
Highlights:  David Ryan Harris on the True.com stage, and Scotty Crowe within close proximity and VISIBLE.  I've never seen Scotty up close and personal, and my...is he a cutie!
Here's the set list:
Bigger Than My Body
No Such ThingNew Deep
Something's Missing
Back To You
Split Screen Sadness
Your Body is a Wonderland
Come Back To Bed
Inner City Blues (with DJ Logic)
Why Georgiaencore
Home Life (solo)
Neon (with David David David)
(While writing this, I found out that the Irvine show was an "industry show" where it was mostly important suits and their families in attendance.  If true, then I completely understand why John was out of sorts.)
July 18, 2004
Chula Vista, CA
Yesterday was the San Diego show...and it felt like I was the John Mayer who I have come to know and love.  He was smart, funny, honest and interesting.  I didn't mind the solos this time because there was so much at the beginning, in the middle and after.  I could see that he wasn't as deliberate...like he didn't care who was watching anymore and only cared that he enjoyed himself. 
Highlights:  Oh SO many!  The line from "City Love" that he changed to "She keeps her TAMPONS at my place..." instead of "toothbrush" received a rousing "EWWWW!" from the crowd.  Also the "Guitar" shirt that John was sporting and his bass player's "Bass" shirt was cute.  Then he had a whole backlash at the critics who have accused him of being a cheap imitation of greats such as Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix and Buddy Guy.  He said that he knows he's impersonating them, "THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT!" and when it came to his own solo in "Back to You" he said, "This is ME!" and played his heart out.  He worried that we weren't enjoying ourselves, and kept wanting to make sure we were going to have our asses rocked off during the whole show.  When he got to "Comfortable" he said, "I'm going to leave you with an oldie..." then mused about how he's glad that we have given him a career that allows him to have oldies.  Awww, thank YOU John!
Funny moments:  The swinger couple a few rows in front.  My friend, this girl in the row in front of us and I were trying to figure out who was sleeping with whom...comedy.
The set list was well chosen:
No Such Thing
New Deep
Why Georgia
Come Back To Bed
My Stupid Mouth 
City Love
Back To You 
Bigger Than My Body
Old Love 
Your Body is a Wonderland 
Daughters (solo)
3x5 (solo)
Comfortable (solo)
If you haven't seen a John Mayer show, go see one.  Take a quickie listen to his CD's to get a feel for the kind of music you'll be hearing, then go see a show.  It really is worth it, I promise you.  Even with the screaming teenaged girls crying out to have John's children.  If you can filter them out, then you'll have a great time.
(Set lists courtesy of johnmayer.com and Road Journal by Scotty Crowe)

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