
Monday, July 26, 2004

Have you ever had a few kind words make your day?

That happened to me last night.  Someone said just a few little words to me that just made me feel really good.  It was one of those "Awww...me too!" kinda feelings, and I hope that person realizes how he good he made me feel.

It's like hearing the beginnings of a song that you haven't heard in a long time, or when you see a picture of a happy moment while rummaging through the junk drawer.  It's like when you see the movie "Big" on TV and have to sit down and watch it because it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.  I like to take the time to pause for those moments and let that good feeling wash over me.

Moments like that pluck you right out of where you are and remind you that everything will be ok.

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