
Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Being apart from others; solitary.
Being without anyone or anything else; only.
Considered separately from all others of the same class.
Being without equal; unique.

Without others: sang alone while the choir listened.
Without help: carried the suitcases alone.
Exclusively; only: The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.


adj. lone·li·er, lone·li·est

Without companions; lone.
Characterized by aloneness; solitary.
Unfrequented by people; desolate: a lonely crossroads.

Dejected by the awareness of being alone. See Synonyms at alone.
Producing such dejection: the loneliest night of the week.

(from Dictionary.com)

My mom can't be left alone because she feels lonely.

I don't feel either. In fact, I like beling alone sometimes. I can travel alone, I can shop alone, and eat alone. I have trouble watching a movie alone, only because when something is funny, there's no one to turn to and nudge...or maybe go to a club completely by myself without meeting friends...but everything else I have no problem with. A friend of mine a long time ago said that he hated to go to a club alone to meet up with friends. He said that he had to arrive with "people". I'd go alone to meet up with people, but I wouldn't go alone and drink at the bar or something.

When I moved out, I used to like sitting alone on a Saturday night when my roommates were at work and watch TV, talk on the phone, knit, craft, cook...whatever. I didn't mind at all.

When I was in my 20's, I used to care about it a great deal because I felt like I had to be doing something, or going somewhere. I hated going to work without a story to tell because it made me feel like I had no social life.

Don't get me wrong...I love to hang out with my friends. I live for the days that I have mini get aways with them! But, I would give anything to have the occasional "I've got nothing to do today" because that is never the case these days.

Is it sad to look forward to work, just because it's a place that has nothing to do with everything else that's going on with me?

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